Solar Power Music, Inc.
Solar Power Music Inc. Las Vegas gallery
Las Vegas @ The Luxor
The Luxor, Las Vegas
View of Paris from hotel room, Aladdin
Suzy Solar in Vegas
Suzy in Vegas
Blue Man Group wall @ The Luxor
Blue Man wall, Las Vegas
View from hotel room @ Aladdin, Vegas
View from room @ Aladdin, Vegas
Suzy's arrival in Vegas @ Aladdin
Suzy at slots, Las Vegas
Las Vegas
New York New York @ Las Vegas
MGM Grand, Vegas
Suzy @ MGM Grand
Cool photo, Suzy in Vegas
Suzy & Blue Man 1 in Vegas @ The Luxor
Suzy & Blue Man 2 (Gee what big eyes
you have!)
Lil' B (Mr. Suave) at the black jack table
Lil' B counting cards in Vegas
Suzy copping a feel in Vegas
Suzy cops another feel @ Ceasar's Palace
Suzy spends winnings @ Ceasar's
Paris @ Las Vegas
Las Vegas Blvd.
The strip on Las Vegas Blvd.
Monte Carlo at sunset, Vegas
The Vegas strip
Excalabur @ Vegas
Suzy & Lil' B
Breathtaking view of Vegas
Suzy... no climbing on rocks!
Vegas strip
Vegas strip
Excalibur @ Vegas
Great view in Vegas
Suzy shows some meat in Vegas
Blue Man Group @ The Luxor
Suzy & Blue Man Band in Vegas
Lil' B & Suzy partying hard in Vegas
Cirque Du Soleil, Zumanity In Vegas
Sunrise view from hotel room, Aladdin
Sunrise view from room in Vegas
Sunrise view from room
Room with a view in Vegas, Aladdin
Suzy @ Ceasar's Palace
Suzy likes the big ones in Vegas
Suzy spends winnings @ Ceasar's
Vegas strip
Bellagio fountains @ Vegas
Aladdin @ Vegas